The Double Crown Club
/When it comes to collective groups of like-minded people getting together, the Double Crown Club which started in 1924 is the place where designers, printers and book people in general meet.
It began with a committee comprising of Holbrook Jackson as its Presidentand Frank Sidgwick, Hubert J. Foss, Oliver Simon and Gerard Meynell.
Today it has a membership of over a hundred and holds its regular meetings at the Saville Club in Mayfair. Current members include BCU’s own esteemed Professor Emeritus, Prof. Clive Richards, Designer, Prof. Brian Webb, illustrators, Ian Beck, Christopher Brown and John Lawrence. The meetings are semi formal occasions centered around a meal and a talk given by a member or a guest. The wonderful addition are the beautifully designed invitations and menus often designed by a member but more often than not the guest in question.
I was invited last May as a guest of Christopher Brown, on that occasion we were entertained by a wonderful talk by Robert Dalrymple, the designer. The company was welcoming, the food and wine top notch and the atmosphere convivial, what could be finer.
So why do I mention all this, well firstly to bring it to the attention of those who have not heard of this club and secondly to advocate that this research centre has occasional suppers or luncheons where we invite guests to talk to us?
I have already got several names in mind but am more than prepared to take suggestions of people who might join us?