GAF. GAF. GAF. GAF. -Relaunch, re invograte and welcome

Graphic Arts Facility (GAF): celebrating the high tech, low tech and no tech

Welcome to the re-launch of the Graphic Arts Facility. Its new, it is exciting and it is for you.

GAF's remit is to facilitate, illuminate and challenge perceptions with respect to graphic arts practice, theory and outputs.  It considers the history of graphic arts, contemporary approaches and thinking, and the future of our discipline.  It embraces culture, imagination, argumentation, creativity, discovery, curiosity and play.  

The Facility will focus on the sharing of best practice at all stages of our creative careers, and will feature informal peer-mentoring to ensure mutual benefits across our community.

GAF will organise events for practitioners, professionals and students: these will include exhibitions, publications and talks both within the faculty and beyond.  The aim here is to build our profile and extend our network to include the most exciting practitioners in our discipline.  GAF will also lead and contribute to a range of initiatives across the Faculty, providing (a) a forum for development of a clear and focused intellectual agenda, (b) critical mass and a collective vision to support applications for funding and resource, and (c) a developmental space and support structure for those that wish to advance their research careers in the space.

GAF will constitute an important strand within a research cluster, one that will have a firm linkage with the School of Visual Communication.  It is fundamentally an instrument to consolidate and advance research interests in the field of graphic arts: its structure, activities and interests will reflect the growing and morphing interests of its members and contributors. 

Key themes for GAF will include:

Art, Science and technology

Print (digital and hand crafted)

Drawing (supporting the BIG DRAW)

Alternative responses and perspectives to the Graphic Arts: exploring, crossing and dissolving boundaries

Please contact  and join this exciting research group